Wednesday 31 January 2018

The Fight for Chinese New Year's Soul

Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) is almost upon us and in China that means the biggest annual migration of people is about to commence so that workers spread all over the country can return home to be with family and take part in activities that celebrate the nations long and rich cultural history. Witnessing this event first hand as an outsider, as this writer has had the privilege to do the past few years, is quite astonishing and heartwarming. Major cities like Shanghai are emptied as everyone returns to their hometowns and lonely travelers are welcomed into homes across the country with warm smiles, mountains of food and far too many bowls (yes, bowls) of Chinese spirits. For most people it is a time of joy, camaraderie and pride in one’s community, society and the country. For others, with darker motives, it’s an opportunity for mischief, grandstanding and horrific displays of wanton cruelty.

       I am of course talking about the many cults that exist in the shadows of modern China and infect societies all over the world. The chief amongst these is Li Hongzhi’s Falun Gong. For those who are unaware of this cult, Falun Gong is a group that hides it’s destructive and hateful teachings behind a seemingly gentle public face and enormous PR machine (very much like Scientology). On the surface, they are a meditation/yoga group which preaches truthfulness, tolerance and forbearance, but it doesn’t take much to scratch below that top layer and reveal the destructive, homophobic and racist cult beneath (look here) Spring Festival has often been targeted by this cult as a prime PR opportunity to shape public opinion and gain sympathy for their cause.

       The main avenues of propaganda that Falun Gong has exploited in the lead up to this festival over the years have been “cultural extravaganzas,” Chinese New Year parades and a horrific self immolation event in January 2001. These also show the clear division between their activities in mainland China (sabotage, extortion and murder) and in the rest of the world (arts performances, public displays and leafleting).