Monday 31 July 2017

Wandering through the wilderness

For the last few months (maybe more than a few) by blof has been distracted by politics and cults. It wasn't what I set out to talk about, but they are issues that caught my interest and I think they are important ones to discuss. This month, I'd like to return to something a little less substantial. I want to address the barren wilderness that a summer break from work in China has become this year. I know that sounds bleak, but what I'm referring to is the lack of sports and foreign movies since the end of June.

Many of you readers (if there are any) are probably not aware that the number of foreign movies shown in China is restricted each year. The way around it is to make sure you involve a substantial contribution from Chinese investors or movie makers while you're shooting your masterpiece. It's why you're starting to see more Chinese faces in big blockbusters and exotic sounding production companies attached to them. In July, however, the restrictions are even tighter. From what I've been told, the idea is to prevent big Western movies being released during the busiest time for cinemas in order to support domestic movies. I don't think protectionism is the right way to go about this, but it's not up to me. As such, Spider-Man and Dunkirk will not be released over here for a couple more months and we are treated to yet another Monkey King abomination instead.

As for sports, the problem is not one of Chinese restrictions, but rather one of timing and taste. Pretty much the only thing a self respeting British man can watch during the summer is Formula 1. There is plenty of basketball and some baseball, but who wants to watch that. The biggest problems are the lack of meaningful football and totl blackout of the cricket. How could I survive such a baren landscape? Well, I've had to turn to my other hobbies... beer and Xbox. I should probably do some reading, but I'm a bit stuck for what to read. When I think of something, I'll let you know.